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Salut Canada!


Manager, Community and Entrepreneurial Economic Development
Phone: 306.566.6000, Ext. 103

Salut Canada! is a pan-Canadian project developed as part of Canadas 150th anniversary. Canadian Heritage funds this project. 


Salut Canada! aims to: 

  • Showcase the Francophone and Acadian culture and heritage of each province and territory of Canada.
  • Ensure the development of Francophone tourism products and those providing services in French. 
  • Promote these products on French-speaking domestic and international tourist markets. 
  • Contribute to the development of the tourism sector in Canada to generate economic spinoffs for Francophone communities. 

Salut Canada! celebrates more than 400 French-speaking heritage, cultural and tourism products in Canada. They are available to visitors from here and elsewhere in French. It also relies on dynamic multimedia approaches. An interactive map, for example, gives an overview of the entire Canadian Francophonie. National and international visitors can consult it as needed: Salut Canada – More than a destination!. 

In Saskatchewan, it's the Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan (CÉCS) that was responsible for recruiting the 6 tourism destinations and 9 heritage and cultural areas that were chosen to be part of Salut Canada!.

The tourism destinations that are part of Salut Canada!:

  1. Historic Reesor Ranch
  2. Maison du gouvernement
  3. Palais législatif de la Saskatchewan
  4. Over the Hill Orchards
  5. Hand Wave Gallery & Craft Shop
  6. Churchill River Canoe Outfitters

Heritage and cultural areas showcased by Salut Canada!:

  1. Les Fransaskois
  2. Festival Fête fransaskoise
  3. Batoche
  4. Gravelbourg
  5. Regina
  6. La Troupe du Jour
  7. Le bison
  8. Les communautés

The following videos showcase Salut Canada! in Saskatchewan: 

Being part of Salut Canada! is free. It increases the visibility of a place or an infrastructure nationally and internationally. Please do not hesitate to contact the CÉCS to integrate the Saskatchewan segment of Salut Canada!. 

For more information on the Salut Canada! project: Salut Canada – More than a destination!

Head Office

205-1440, 9th Avenue North
Regina (SK) S4R 8B1

Phone: 306.566.6000
Toll Free: 800.670.0879