2023 Bravo Volunteer Award
Candidate Form
To view the criteria for nominations, please read the following document (in French only):Nomination Criteria
The Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan (CÉCS) awards the BRAVO Volunteer! award every two years. This award recognizes an individual, a group of people or a Francophone non-profit organization that has distinguished itself in community or cooperative economic development.
The BRAVO Volunteer! award aims to:
- Promote economic initiatives within the Official Language Minority Communities (OLMCs) of Saskatchewan
- Recognize the work of Fransaskois leaders involved in community economic development
Award-winning Activities
The BRAVO Volunteer! award recognizes an individual, group of people or organization that has carried out activities:
- Promoting the creation of jobs at the local and regional level
- Encouraging investments in the community
- Developing income-generating activities in OLMCs
- Generating economic opportunities that strengthen the vitality of Francophone communities in the province
Previous winners of the award:
2004 : Philibert Demers (Debden)
2005 : Jean Poirier (La Ronge)
2008: Louis Stringer (Gravelbourg)
2010: Robert Revet (posthumously) (Regina)
2012: Paul Leray (St. Brieux)
2014: RinC Project Committee (Zenon Park)
2016: Roger Lepage (Regina)
2018: Le Collectif des parents inquiets et préoccupés (CPIP) (Regina)
2022: Maria Lepage (Gravelbourg)
Participants at the 2018 BRAVO Volunteer! awards gala